here are 4 similarities:
1 both can do almost anything
2 both can hold memory by gigabytes
3 store information
4 both use same types of systems
A desktop computer also know as a tower computer is the cheaper more customizable option if the two that can offer significantly better performance at a cheaper cost yet is not portable at all. A laptop is an all-in-one machine that is very portable, runs off a battery. Both can be upgraded but the laptop is easy to upgrade in RAM and hard drive space only
Differences: 1.Size...Laptops Are Smaller Most Of The Time But You Can Get Some Very Small Desktop PC's 2.Laptops Normally Have Less Features And Are Slower Unless You Own Something Like A Gaming Laptop Which In My Opinion Are Better Than Most Desktops And Other Laptops Similarities: 1.All Have The Same Operating System Choices You Will Never Find An OS For 1 Thing And Not The Other. 2.Both Make Your Life Much Easier.
Desktop or also known as personal computers have a lot of advantages in laptops like the spare parts tend to be standardize. have several standardize expansion slot and it also means that desktop can be customized and upgraded to a greater and extent than laptops.
what is the difference between old tmples and new temples
nobody knows
Similarities between old and new transportation
The main similarity is that the story of the movie remains the same whether you see it at home or at theater.
they are old they are documents they r famous
what is the difference between old tmples and new temples
nobody knows
Similarities between old and new transportation
New computers are faster and more efficient. New computers have less hazardous waste. New computers run cooler and faster. New computers are also smaller in size. New computers have larger memory capacity. New computers offer better performance and reliability. New computers have a lot more conveniences and luxury.
Oh, dude, old and new computers are like distant cousins who still share some traits. They both have processors, memory, storage, and the ability to drive you crazy with updates. It's like comparing a flip phone to a smartphone - they both make calls, but one can also order you pizza and play Fortnite.
The main similarity is that the story of the movie remains the same whether you see it at home or at theater.
It is still in the Bronx, and has a white frieze on the upper portion of the stadium.
One is old the other is not as old. :)
Along with many new applications to take advantage of their faster speed and larger memory capacity, new computers offer better performance and reliability.
There are countless differences, between new and old computers. It also depends by what you define as old. Some examples are: * New computers are faster and more efficient * New computers have less hazardous waste * New computers run cooler and faster * New computers are also smaller in size There are many also many more differences.
Old technology is past technology that is not special, like older types of television or older types of computers. New technology is more valuable and most people do not have it, like newer types of televisions and computers.