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Q: What are the similarities between acute and chronic inflammation?
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Is gastritis an acute or chronic inflammation of the stomach?

Yes, gastritis is inflammation of the stomach. Gastritis may be acute or chronic.

What words have cheit in them?

Tracheitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the lining of the trachea.

What research has been done on massage therapy?

Well designed studies have documented the benefits of massage therapy for the treatment of acute and chronic pain, acute and chronic inflammation

What is artrithis?

It is well known as an acute or chronic inflammation of a joint, often accompanied by pain and structural of the bone.

What is broncitis?

Bronchitis is a condition that usually develops from a cold. It's inflammation in the airways. It can either be acute, or chronic. Chronic Bronchitis usually occurs in smokers.

What is chronich pancreatitis?

Chronic pancreatitis is a long-standing inflammation of the pancreas that alters its normal structure and functions. It can present as episodes of acute inflammation in a previously injured pancreas, or as chronic damage with persistent pain or malabsorption.

Difference between chronic and acute PEM?

Acute is a relatively new occurrence Chronic has been happening for an extended period of time.

What conditions has massage therapy been proven to help?

The treatment of acute and chronic pain, acute and chronic inflammation, chronic lymphedema, nausea, muscle spasm, various soft tissue dysfunctions, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and psycho-emotional stress, which may aggravate mental illness.

What is pancreaitus?

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas assists digestion and regulates the way the body processes sugar. Pancreatitis can be acute or chronic.

What is the condition known as chronic pancreatitis?

Chronic pancreatitis--or continuing inflammation of the pancreas that results in permanent damage to this organ--can develop from long-standing, recurring episodes of acute (periodic) pancreatitis.

What medical value does C-reactive protein have?

It is a sensitive marker of acute and chronic inflammation and infection, and in such cases is increased several hundred-fold.

What is the difference between acute ulcerative gingivitis and herpetic stomatitis?

difference bt chronic n acute gingivitis