

Best Answer

Acute is a relatively new occurrence

Chronic has been happening for an extended period of time.

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Q: Difference between chronic and acute PEM?
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What is the difference between Acute PEM from chronic PEM?

Acute PEM = PEM that is new Cronic PEM = PEM that has been happening for sometime and will continue to happen. What is PEM

What is chronic pem?

Protein Energy Malnutrition

What is acute PEM?

An acute PEM stands for Protein-Energy Malnutrition. It is a potentially fatal-body depletion disorder. It is the leading cause of death in children in some developing countries

When was Pem Dorji born?

Pem Dorji was born on 1959-01-01.

When was Anoop Sharma Pem born?

Anoop Sharma Pem was born in 1987.

How does PEM happen?

Post-exertional malaise (PEM) occurs in conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome when physical or cognitive activity exacerbates symptoms, leading to a worsening of overall health and function. It is not fully understood why PEM happens, but it is believed to involve immune system dysfunction, inflammation, and abnormal responses to exertion at a cellular level. Triggers for PEM can vary among individuals and may include overexertion, stress, or even minor activities.

What material use for pem membrane?

The material that is used for pem membrane is the ceramic material.

What are the key differences between alkaline and PEM electrolysis in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness?

Alkaline electrolysis is more cost-effective but less efficient than PEM electrolysis. Alkaline electrolysis has lower efficiency due to higher energy consumption, while PEM electrolysis is more efficient but comes at a higher cost.

When did Pem Davenport die?

Pem Davenport died in January 1985, in Henderson, Nevada, USA.

What material use for pem membrane cell?

The ceramic materials are used for pem menbrane cell.

When was Pem Davenport born?

Pem Davenport was born on July 3, 1911, in Dallas, Texas, USA.

What are some types of PEM?

Primary PEM results from a diet that lacks sufficient sources of protein and/or energy. Secondary PEM is more common in the United States, where it usually occurs as a complication of AIDS, cancer,