It depends on the religion that worships in the church or temple. Both churches and temple are buildings where religious worship is held. In some religions, a church and a temple are the same thing. (for example, there are Christian churches with names such as "Bible Temple") In some religions, a both temples and churches are used, but they are different. (for example, in Mormonism, a church is where regular Sunday services and activities are held, but a temple is used for special ceremonies). In other religions, worship takes place in either a church or a temple (for example, in most Christian denominations, the place of worship is called a church, but most Jews call their place of worship a synogogue or temple rather than a church.)
On a Mosque there are minarets which are much the same as towers on a church. They both 'symbolize reaching up to the heavens'.
A Mosque is where Muslims pray and worship whereas a Church is where a Christian goes to pray and worship.
Both Mosques and churches are both places of worship.
A church is for Christians but a Mosque is for Muslims
Both religions have a main Church/Mosque. For Muslims it's Al- Masjid AL-Haram in Mecca. For Christians it's Vatican Cathedral in Rome
A church supports the religion of Christianity whereas a Mosque supports the religion of Islam
both of them are big and have a top that points to the heavens
Not much beyond that Jesus is the Son of God and superficial similarities (the Philippine National Church broke away from the Catholic Church four hundred years after the first protestants did, but it remains a protestant church).
what is the similarities between the ulna and the radius
There are zero similarities between the two.
both of them are big and have a top that points to the heavens
dnt know
A mosque is an Islamic house of worship, like a Christian church or a Jewish synogogue.
Both of them are places for worship; the Mosque is for Muslims & the Church is for Christians.
A church is the body of people who follow Jesus, they can meet wherever they like. A mosque is the building where Muslims meet.
The Esperanto words for church and mosque are pregejo and moskeo.
A mosque
No, the Blue Mosque was never a church, being built as a Mosque by Sultan Ahmed I. The Hagia Sophia was an Orthodox patriarchal basilica and later became a Mosque. It is now a museum.
Muslims do not go to church. They go to mosque. They don't have to do anything before they go to a mosque.
A mosque is a church where Muslims go to profess their beliefs in Islam.
Before becoming a museum, the Hagia Sophia was a house of worship. It was first a Christian church and then became a Muslim mosque.
The Islamic House of Worship is called a Masjid (Mosque) not church.