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Q: What are the similarities and differences between the mosque of cordoba and the umayyad mosque of damascus?
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Related questions

What was the capital of the Islamic empire under the Umayyads?

Shaam, which is now called Damascus, syria... but the city of shaam was much larger then

How did the umayyads rule?

The Umayyad Caliphate in Damascus reigned from 660 C.E. to 750 C.E. which is a period of 90 years.The Umayyad Caliphate in Cordoba (which was originally called the Emirate of Cordoba) reigned from 711 C.E. to 1038 C.E., which is a period of 327 years.

What is the distance between sevilla to cordoba?

85 miles

What is the distance between Malaga and Cordoba Spain?

98 miles

What is the distance between Cordoba and Granada?

It would take about 12 hours and 45 minutes to fly from Cordoba, Argentina to Granada, Spain. There is approximately 6,130 miles between the two locations.

What dynasty succeded the umayyads?

The Umayyad Caliphate in Damascus was succeeded by Abbassid Family. Whereas Umayyad Caliphate in Cordoba ended without any successor when Hisham II, the final Caliph died.

Who established the Umayyad dynasty in Cordoba and why?

Abd al-Rahman I founded the Umayyad Dynasty in Cordoba after he fled the coup d'etat by the Abbassids against the Umayyad Caliphate based in Damascus. Abd al-Rahman was the only Umayyad survivor, but was able to flee beyond the control of the Abbassids by taking over the Spanish territories of the Caliphate.

Driving distance between Seville and cordoba?

89 road miles.

What is the distance between LaRioja Argentina and Cordoba Argentina?

The distance is 260 miles

Is granada south or north of cordoba?

Granada is from the South of Cordoba, Spain.

Is Cordoba a country?

No, Cordoba is not a country. Cordoba is a city in Spain and also the name of a province in Argentina.

What city became the capital of the Muslim world under the leadership of the Umayyad dynasty?

Damascus became the capital of the Muslim world under the leadership of the Umayyad dynasty. The Umayyad dynasty ruled the Muslim world from 661 through 750.