Name of all Indian Tribes in NC & SC in 1800's
Indian names tend to be after animals or things of their nature. Shannon is not an Apache name that I know of. It may be of another tribe. I know a man in Australia who is Indian and names Shannon. You may try some other tribes or Bands of Indian's to find your answer.
There are a number of Native American tribes located in present-day Connecticut. These include the Pequot tribe, the Nipmuc tribe, as well as the Munsee tribe.
Some of the tribes located in the far north include: The Inuit The Inuvialuit (descendants of the Thule of Russia) The Yupik The Innu (Northern Quebec) The Dog Rib The Inupiat (Alaska) This is by no means an exhaustive list and hardly does the Northern Indian tribes justice as the tribes are more complex in their relations and origins than can be described here. You can find more tribes and information by visiting the link below.
Both are named after Indian Tribes.
i have no idia
The Delaware Indians traded by saying "you give me this and I'll give you this. They traded with a lot of other Indian tribes.
The original tribes in the New York area were: Erie, Seneca, Cayunga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk, Mohican, Abenaki, Laurentians, Poospatuck, Mohegan, Delaware (please note these may not be the tribal names used by the tribes, but are instead their common names.
Name of all Indian Tribes in NC & SC in 1800's
nobody knows yet
Yes there were Indians in Delaware. Most Delaware Native Americans were forced to migrate westward when European colonists took over the Delaware area. These tribes are not extinct, but except for the descendants of Delaware Indians who assimilated into white society, they do not live in Delaware anymore. Today there are two federally recognized Delaware tribes in Oklahoma and one Delaware Indian tribe in Canada.
Tongva tribe
All Indian tribes east of the Mississippi river were sent west of the Mississippi.