A difference between fiction and drama is themanner in which they are used, pluswhen and where.
Fiction is a solo experience, a relationship between the author and the reader. Drama is intended to be performed before an audience, either live or recorded.
what is the differences between poetry and drama?
1920's through the 1950's.
Fiction, Historical Fiction, Action/Adventure, Coming-of-age... :) By: Alex
In the broadest sense Drama includes all the theatrical arts- including cinema ( Movies) and television fiction. Properly it is serious fare as opposed to comedy. The Greeks invented Drama as we know it- in those days there was either Tragedy or Comedy- and sad and comic masks as trade badges. The modern concept of ( comes out OK) serious drama is in part a product of the Movie industry- did not exist in classical dramas which were either tragedy or comedy.
There is romance, realistic fiction, mystery/suspense, fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, fairy tales, myths, and poetry.
what is the differences between poetry and drama?
The conventions
the difference between play script and drama are the play script has couching and drama is no couchingbow Myra 18 "{P?"{::"""
Discus with good examples similarities and differencies of radio drama and television drama
Drama is a genre that is primarily focused on creating tension and emotions through conflict and dialogue, often meant for performance on stage or screen. Fiction, on the other hand, is a broader category that includes any narrative that is created from the imagination, which can include genres like fantasy, science fiction, and romance, in addition to dramatic works.
they both have towns and cites
Pogi pareho !
Dramatic literature is specifically written to be performed--you can have a non-fiction drama; fiction is strictly created and not necessarily about something real.
American drama uses english language while british drama uses british language and they also differ because they came from different countries. They are similar because they are both drama.