

Best Answer


  • The Wren fright song was music to the cheering fans.
  • The fluorescent light was the sun during our test.
  • The giants stomps were thunder while he walked to Jack.


  • The Hurricanes ran down the field like a freight train.
  • The team jumped up an down like jumping beans after they won and got a scholarship.


  • I felt as fat as a house after I ate all those cheese sticks.
  • I got a million gifts for my birthday.
  • I was dead by the time I came back from work.


  • Careless cars cutting corners cause confusion.
  • Through three cheese tress three fleas flew.


  • The race car whizzed around the track at an ineradicable speed.


  • Snow had wrapped a large white blanket around the city.
  • The winter trees were robed in white.
  • The flowers were crying for attention.

Metaphors, similes, personification, hyperbole and onomatopoeias are just a few.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Figurative language consists of words or phrases that are not literally true but nonetheless have understandable meaning. 'They're going to hang out' is one common example: the phrase literally means, 'They will enjoy being together.'

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