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what are some gospel songs with figurative language in them

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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Chain Breaker- Metaphor
Lead Me to the cross- Personification
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βˆ™ 2y ago

Hillsong - Breathe

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Q: What are some christian songs with figurative language in them?
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u should try the song "dont stop 'til u get enough by Michael Jackson". it has some figurative language in it. =Þ

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there is some

What are the songs that have figures of speech?

Most songs have some figurative language in them, if the songwriter has spent any time at all over the lyrics. Anyone can give a list of the songs they know which have figurative language, but you want to know the songs on your iPod that do. I would check out any songs which have lyrics which are less repetitive, which tell a story and which are sung to a slower tune.

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Metaphor, Personification, repetation, simile, hyperbol these are the few example of figurative language used by Karen Hesse author of Out of The Dust.

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