In the Pokémon Video Games, the Dawn Stone will evolve two Pokémon as of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y and it will evolve a male Kirlia which will allow it to evolve into Gallade and it will evolve a female Snorunt and it will allow it to evolve into Froslass.
Dusk stones/shiny stones/ dawn stones/and oval stones are items that make certain Pokemon evolve. You can get A dusk stone in the galatic building in veilstone city. you evolve happiny by giveing it a oval stone and lvling it up murkrow evolves with dusk stone you evolve Roselia by using a shiny stone you can evolve togetic with a shiny stone
You can evolve Snorunt into two different pokemon. If you want to have a Glalie level it to Lv 42. If you have a female Snorunt you can also evolve it to Froslass, Just give her a dawn stone. If you don´t have a dawn stone you can find one at route 225.
A Dawn Stone is used to evolve a male Kirlia into a Gallade and a female Snorunt into a Froslass.
I'm not 100% sure if all of these are in Pokemon Pearl, but the ones that evolve with a Dusk Stone are... Murkrow, which will evolve into Honchkrow. Misdreavus, which will evolve into Mismagius. Lampent, which will evolve into Chandelure. (I'm almost positive this one is only in Black/White.)
It evolves into a Gallade (Fighting and Psychic type pokemon.)
In the Pokemon Games, the Dawn Stone is an evolutionary stone that will help two different Pokemon evolve. When exposed to a Dawn Stone, Snorunt's evolve into Froslass and Kiralia's evolve in Gallade.
Two Pokemon can evolve if exposed to the Dawn Stone. A Snorunt will evolve into a Froslass, and a Kiralia will evolve into a Gallade.
dawn stone: misdreavus dusk stone: i dunno
Ok, the only Pokemon that i know that can evolve with a dawn stone is a snorunt. it evolves into a frosslass. more l8r! -Vapo
A dawn stone will evolve a male kirlia and a snowrunt into a frosslass
Zangoose,,pachrisu,vullaby,and purrloin-oh yeah.Audino too,evolve with dawn stone.
The dawn stone causes a male Kirlia to evolve in Gallade and a female Snorunt to evolve into a Froslass.
The dawn stone will evolve a male kirlia into a gallade and a female snorunt into a froslass
The dawn stone is an evolutionary stone. It makes a male Kirlia evolve into Gallade and a female Snorunt into Froslass.
you cant evolve froslass but you can use a dawn stone on snorunt You need to use a Dawn Stone on a female Snorunt to evolve it. The Dawn Stone won't work with a male Snorunt.
you need a dawn stone to evolve it
Male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade if Dawn stone is exposed to it & the sam way a female Snorunt evolves into Froslass if Dawn stone is exposed to it.