I'm not 100% sure if all of these are in Pokemon Pearl, but the ones that evolve with a Dusk Stone are...
Murkrow, which will evolve into Honchkrow.
Misdreavus, which will evolve into Mismagius.
Lampent, which will evolve into Chandelure. (I'm almost positive this one is only in Black/White.)
Clefairy is the only Pokemon in pearl that evolves with a moon stone but once you get the national dex you can evolve Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina & Skitty
Luxio doesn't evolve by using a stone, it evolves in lvl 30 in a Luxray
The Dusk stone will evolve Murkrow into Honchkrow and Misdreavus into Mismagius.
Three pokemon evolve using the shiny stone now:Togetic evolves into TogekissRoselia evolves into RoseradeMinccino evolves into Cinccino2 Pokemon evolve from a shiny stone Togitic-TogekissRoselia-Roserade
Croconaw evolves at level 38, not by a stone.
In Pokemon pearl, misdreveaus evolves into mismagius with a dusk stone. In diamond, murkrow evolves into honchkrow with a dusk stone.
Happinny is the only Pokemon that can evolve with the Oval Stone.
Clefairy is the only Pokemon in pearl that evolves with a moon stone but once you get the national dex you can evolve Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina & Skitty
The only one I know of is Eevee which evolves into vaporeon.
Lombre, Evee, Shellder, Staryu.
the Pokemon that shiny stone evolves is Togetic -> Togekiss Roselia -> Roserade
Dawn stone- Male Kirlia evolves into Gallade Female Snorunt evolves into Froslass
A dawn stone will evolve a male kirlia and a snowrunt into a frosslass
If you have Pokemon pearl a mesript will evole diamond murcrow will
Eevee, and Pikachu. I don't know anymore.
As of Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, the Pokemon that evolve via Water Stone are: * Poliwhirl (evolves into Poliwrath) * Shellder (evolves into Cloyster) * Staryu (evolves into Starmie) * Eevee (evolves into Vaporeon) and * Lombre (evolves into Ludicolo)