Dawn stone-
Male Kirlia evolves into Gallade
Female Snorunt evolves into Froslass
gloom to bellosom sunkurn to sunflora Sunkern and Gloom are the ones who evolve using a Sun Stone.
No, you cannot. You can evolve Misdreavus into Mismagius in Diamond/Pearl or later versions using a Dusk Stone.
Contrary to popular belief, eevee does not evolve into leafeon by using the leaf stone. To evolve eevee to leafeon you must level it up by the mossy rock in the Eterna Forest. Other Pokemon that evolve using the leaf stone are: gloom to vileplume, weepinbell to victreebell
There are only two Pokemon(without the National Pokedex).They are Pickachu (into Raichu) and Eevee (into Jolteon).
Vaporeon - Evolve using Water Stone Jolteon - Evolve using a ThunderStone Flareon - Evolve using a Fire Stone Espeon - Evolve by happiness between 4am and 7:59pm Umbreon - Evolve by happiness between 8pm and 3:59pm Leafeon - Trade Eevee to Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, or Platinum, and level it up in Eterna forest. Glaceon - Trade Eevee to Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, or Platinum, and level it up on Route 217.
gloom to bellosom sunkurn to sunflora Sunkern and Gloom are the ones who evolve using a Sun Stone.
Happiny---->Chansey using the oval stone.
eevee and pikachu
togetic into togekiss and rosiela into roserade
The item sun stone evolves: Gloom - Bellossom Sunkern - Sunflora
Vulpix - Ninetales, Growlithe - Arcanine, Eevee - Flareon.
Vulpix into Ninetales & Growilthe into Arcanine & Eevee into Flareon
Luxio doesn't evolve by using a stone, it evolves in lvl 30 in a Luxray
No, you cannot. You can evolve Misdreavus into Mismagius in Diamond/Pearl or later versions using a Dusk Stone.
Contrary to popular belief, eevee does not evolve into leafeon by using the leaf stone. To evolve eevee to leafeon you must level it up by the mossy rock in the Eterna Forest. Other Pokemon that evolve using the leaf stone are: gloom to vileplume, weepinbell to victreebell.
I only now two it evolves poliwhirl in to poliwrath or evee in to vaporeon
Contrary to popular belief, eevee does not evolve into leafeon by using the leaf stone. To evolve eevee to leafeon you must level it up by the mossy rock in the Eterna Forest. Other Pokemon that evolve using the leaf stone are: gloom to vileplume, weepinbell to victreebell