Salamance ranks higher on the competitive battling websites that I visit.
it depends on what type of attacker you want Rayquaza to be and if you want Rayquaza to be used in competitive battling. Your best choice is to check on Smogon for all of your options.
a group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport.
i don't know maybe fire or water or grass just chose one
Battling Marshal - 1950 was released on: USA: 15 January 1950
I don't know because you didn't type in a team
Yes, however you will need to take out a Pokémon or two. As well as that, is this for competitive or ingame? If it's for competitive, you will need to use the uber tier due to Garchomp being an uber. Get rid of Raichu, replace it with Magnezone/Jolteon/Luxray. Other than that, (for competitive battling) just EV train and choose good movesets, abilities, and natures.
You would need to explain move sets on the Pokemon, which game and is it competitive/non-competitive team before anyone could tell you.
Yes they're not a typical side line cheerleading team they're competitive.
use ground type Pokemon to help.
Be specific. An in-game team? Competitive? Is it a weather team? If you explain what type of team you're creating, then you'll get some suggestions.
i think its a great team except 1.add a heracross male did you get a swampert my cousin wants one on his soulsilver p.s my friend code is 1119 4768 6727 and my name is bailey
Competitive Cyclist Racing Team was created in 2010.
There are quite a few different categories you can be good at in Pokemon pearl: -Competitive battling (visit - Pokemon contests -Pokemon breeding -Battle tower
i dont think so but it really depends what lv. and what your battling(what type/lv.)
it is depending on what level they are and what Pokemon their battling because all Pokemon have weaknesses you know!