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Erm... No? How did you figure that out?

Um...cause she carries an ax and yells and punches people and screams and is scary strong. and she takes no interest in hiccup...who is sexy!

Hey all of the pictures online of astrid naked with ruffnut speak different

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no she isnt its Camacazi not Astrid but yes Astrid is based on Camicazi, the heir of the bog burgelers

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How old is astrid in the movie how to train your dragon?

Astrid is 13 years old

Who did the voice of astrid in the movie how to train a dragon?

America Ferrera was Astrid Hofferson .

Who does hiccup like in how to train a dragon?

As in a crush, Astrid :D

What is the name of girl and her dragon in how to train your dragon?

Hiccup's girlfriend's name is the rider of Deadly Nadder, Astrid.

Did Hiccup kiss Astrid from the movie How do you train Your Dragon?

No. She kisses him, on the cheek then on the lips.

How do you beat Astrid in How do you train your Dragon the video game?

i dont really know hahaha

What does Astrid say when Hiccup beats her in the arena on How To Train What if your Dragon?

Oh Son of a half-troll!

Who did the voice of Astrid in How You Train Your Dragon?

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III from How to Train Your Dragon is voiced by Jay Baruchel.

In the movie coming out How To Train What if your Dragon who is Astrid?

In the movie, Astrid Hofferson is a viking teenager who learns to fight dragons. In the movie, Hiccup develops a crush on Astrid but Astrid does not seem at all interested in Hiccup and ignores him Astrid is tough, stubborn, and can be a bit mean sometimes.

What is the name of astrid's dragon in how to train your dragon?

They will most likely give him or her a name in the cartoon network tv series adaption in 2012, but no. Yes, it's name is Stormfly (from the direct to DVD "Gift of the Night Fury"

When was How to Train Your Dragon created?

How to Train Your Dragon was created in 2003.

What is the How do you train your dragon video game?

is a video game about a boy named hiccup and a girl named astrid pick any one of the two to play as and train dragons to go to battle. You can also feed your dragons fly them and play activites with them a bit like nintendogs.