the average pricing for the movie ticket in the 1930s would be around 5 cents.
Movie ticket prices dropped after the Stock Market crash in 1929. The price in 1929 was $0.35 and about $0.23 in 1932.
The average cost of a movie ticket in 1969 was $1.42.
9 dollars a ticket in indiana
how much did a train ticket cost in 1960
Movies did not exist in 1789
The average cost of a movie ticket in 1969 was $1.42.
9 dollars a ticket in indiana
$15,895 is the cost of the ticket
The average price for a movie ticket in 1982 was $2.94.
how much is a ticket from durban to welkom
How much does an open container ticket cost? This ticket was given by a state park warden How much does an open container ticket cost? This ticket was given by a state park warden
how much is a non registered vechile ticket cost in newfoundland?
The cost to a Bolivia ticket is $480.00
how much is a ticket from durban to welkom
A multi day ticket cost 50$ an single day ticket 42$ a historic triangle ticket cost 83.50$ a bounce ticket cost 140$ and a Williamsburg Flex Ticket cost 183.70$