in NZ a brand new CD from a major artist was normally 31 - 32nz$
Depending on the cut about 50 USD a gram or 80 CD
aprox 300.00 aprox 300.00
Let X be the cost of the CD's. The movie costs 7 dollars more than the CD's. So the movie is X+7. Together, the movie plus the CD's equals 38. This can be written as: x+x+7=38 Subtract 7 from both sides, and combine the x's and you have: 2x=31. Divide both sides by 2 and we find that X, the cost of the CD's, is: x=15.5 Which means that the cost of the movie is 22.5. Or, written as currency, the CD's are $15.50 and the movie was $22.50.
The average price of a movie ticket in 1990 was $4.23.
how much does printing cost on cd case
i don't know how much it cost but it was a lot cheaper then todays CD players
Mindless Behavoir's CD will cost 19.99
it cost $150.00.
usaly cd's cost 15 to 16 dollars
They cost around 15-40 dollars.
Well i don't have an NWA CD, but i gotta Eazy E CD: Eternal E. It cost about $16.00.
A mini cost 3,000 dollars in 1990
An album is 20.00 and a CD is 15.00
How much does a 1990 plymoth sundance fuel pump cost?