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This certainlly depends on what type of worm you're talking about.

If it's a simple everyday, find one in your backyard, kinda worm..then you're in luck!

  • Just dig up some soil(earth) where you might have found the worm. (if you found the worm on the pavement dig up some moist, fertile soil. Potting soil MAY be O.K...please make sure there are no harmmul chemicals!!)
  • Put some small flowers, maybe little dandylions that pop up in your yard, or maybe those pretty purple and white ones if you have those.
  • Find a decent size container or tank. Not too big. Not too small.
  • Don't place 24 hour light on the worm's new home. Place in a windowsill where they can experience everyday and normal daylight and night.



  • If you have a rabbit/hamster/or small pet with small, solid 'poop' , carefully take the 'poop' with a small shovel and or/hand covered in plastic glove and place in the soil to give the soil more richness and feel more "homie"
  • *remember than worms practically LIVE in dirt and soil!!!*
  • If you can find some, take some dead&decaying insects, small rodents, etc...and place into the soil or on top to decay into the soil & or dirt. (MAKE SURE YOU ARE USED TO THE SMELL OF DEAD&DECAYING ANIMALS PLEASE!!)

Have fun! And be careful with the WORM!

Worms are animals too. So treat them with care, and don't neglect them.


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Q: How do you keep a pet worm?
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How can I effectively care for and keep a worm as a pet?

To effectively care for and keep a worm as a pet, provide a suitable environment with moist soil, keep the worm in a dark and cool place, feed it organic matter like fruits and vegetables, and avoid overfeeding. Regularly clean the worm's habitat and handle it gently to ensure its well-being.

If you have a pet worm what do it live in?

If you have a pet worm, you need to keep it in a pretty big container with a lot of dirt (usually a good sized fish tank, around 10 gallons, with a minimum of about 2 gallons). Worms eat dirt, so only dirt is accepted.

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It won't be a problem for the worm-- they get along perfectly in the wild after all. You might have trouble seeing your pet, though.

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Yes. Mr. Noodles A worm

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Spongebob briefly had a pet worm called Rex, it was supposed to replace his pet snail Gary, but it did not stay very long. Mr Krabs had a pet worm called Mr. Doodles.

How do you take care of a pet worm?

get dirt an put the worm in it. moisten th soil every day with a spray bottle

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