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staraptor can learn it.

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Q: How do you get the TM close combat?
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Where can you find close combat?

you cant find it anywhere, it's not a TM it's a specific fighting move

What are good moves to teach Infernape?

Close Combat, Fire Spin, Flamethrower and Ember . To teach Flamethrower use a Technical Machine (TM)

What level does Blaziken learn close combat?

Blaziken can't learn close combat. But if you have a Blaziken and want it to learn a powerful fighting type move I suggest you try the TM 52: Focus Blast. It works a lot better since most rock and steel types have a lot higher defense than sp.def, and it doesn't make you defense go down like close combat.

Where to find TM close combat Pokemon diamond?

please ANSWER SOMEONE I NEED TO TOO =( please ANSWER SOMEONE I NEED TO TOO =( please ANSWER SOMEONE I NEED TO TOO =( please ANSWER SOMEONE I NEED TO TOO =( B: ITS NOT A TM! Pokemon have to learn it by themselves, Google is your friend

How do you get the TM close combat on Pokemon platinum?

i do not think you can but you can take Pokemon to the heartscale guy and see if that move is compatible with any of your Pokemon you give him a heartscale that you find under ground he collects them

What is better close combat or aura sphere?

ofcores is close combat

When does hariyama learn close combat?

Hariyama learns Close Combat at level 52.

When does heracross learn close combat?

heracross learns close combat at lv.37

When does cobloin learn close combat?

Cobalion learns Close Combat at level 73.

What does the phrase close combat mean?

The phrase close combat typically means combat which occurs at very short range. Typically in modern times this is where close quarters combat and hand-to-hand combat training is vital for the armed forces.

How can Machamp learn close combat?

Breed a machamp with another fighting type that knows close combat and the egg machop should know close combat when it hatches

When was Close Combat Clasp created?

Close Combat Clasp was created on 1942-11-25.