First unlock all the tracks by winning the tournament after that choose big z challenge mode and beat him in all the tracks and you will unlock him
falling for ya, cruising for a bruising, surf crazy, surfs up, oxygen, like me
First forget about it and fight Slyverstien and then you will get an upgrade vitamin after you beat the level and redo it.
Hank is a big guy and likes to beat criminals with his bare hands. Also, Jesse made a fake call about his wife Jane being in hospital. This angered Hank and he thrashed Pinkman for this.
get a Pokemon that knows beat up and mate it with a female charmeleon or charizard
Before I tell you how NEVER use disk cleaner or water they will mess up the PSP when you put the UMD back in the PSP. Trust me it happened before to me I had to get a new PSP. If I were you I would take to a Game Stop and ask someone to clean it for you so you don't mess up by accident and cause permanent damage to both the UMD and the PSP. It is most likely that someone at Game Stop or any other video game store can help you. If there is no one at the video game store I would either go to Radio Shack or call Sony and ask them what to do. Once again NEVER use disc cleaner or water! PSP are more fragile than most handheld systems. So be careful what you do with your PSP.
beat him in a race
you shld have him when you beat him in every big z challange at every place will.s ('_') surfs up/ peace out
Zeke topanga
win every race in the big z challenge
"Surf's Up" as an expression means "The surf is up." Otherwise, if you mean "surfs up" as in "He surfs up and down the coast" or "She surfs up beside me," then in both cases the past tense is "surfed."
emperor penguins are depicted in Surfs up emperor penguins are depicted in Surfs up
To unlock Big Z you must win every race in the Big Z challenge.
no what jind of question is that
get 11 trophies.
There are no current plans for a Surf's Up sequel.
Chicken Joe