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win every race in the big z challenge

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Q: How do you unlock big z on surfs up?
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How do you unlock big z on Nintendo DS surfs up?

To unlock Big Z you must win every race in the Big Z challenge.

How do you unlock big z on psp surfs up?

beat him in a race

How do you beat big z on surfs up psp?

First unlock all the tracks by winning the tournament after that choose big z challenge mode and beat him in all the tracks and you will unlock him

How do i unlock big z now that i have won all the big z challenges on nitendo ds surf's up game?

you shld have him when you beat him in every big z challange at every place will.s ('_') surfs up/ peace out

What do they call Big Z in Surfs Up?

Zeke topanga

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Fuse the Z-items Baby and Vegeta 2nd form to unlock his base form.

How can you unlock gates on barnyard Wii - is there a cheat code to do this?

hold c,z and on the wii remote enter up,down,left,right,up,up

How do you unlock super saiyan bardock in dragonball z battle of z?

go on challeng mode make sure you unlock the one with no colour first

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you have o play though the scenarios an till you unlock the z items Son of Paragas + Hatred of Goku and then you fusion them

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Unlock the What IF saga

How do unlock get rapid fire on Dragon Ball Z sagas?

you have to buy all the z items to unlock rapid fire, if it doesn't work, collect all the capsels. [ or both].

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what is the spy code for profeccer z