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They don't really. The Macbeths are looking the innocent flower while being the serpent under it. There is the appearance that the Macbeths are good people and deserve to be king and queen, but in reality they have committed horrible crimes. (Macbeth commits crimes without involving his wife in both acts.) So, nothing is what it seems: fair is foul and foul is fair. But there is no confusion in the audience's mind about what is good and what is evil--we know even if the people in the play do not.

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Q: How do good and evil get mixed up in acts II and III of Macbeth?
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Who is evil in the Macbeth?

Well the main character himself ends up being the most evil character of them all. Actually in the begining he is a 'good' man but then he meets 3 weird sisters who tell him that he will be king (and thane of cawdor). He himself says that if destiny wants it then he will be king, but he doesnt wanna kill the king to get the title. But his wife pushes him to kill the king. So in a way you could say shes being evil. ..

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Good and evil have always strugglend since the beggining of time but the alligiance of the good in this case wil bring down the alligeance of evil because ross and malcom and macduff , suspect deeply about macbeth and will totaly bring him doing and discover who he really is and has done.

Is there good consequences for evil acts?

Not at all.It is impossible. if it is true that a n evil act has good consequence there is no evil act exists.An evil act will always consequence a bad and evil end.

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What did Shakespeare mean when he said there is good in evil and evil in good?

Under every evil is good and under every good is evil. so if your little sister acts unusually nice to you then she might have a bad reason under that and vice versa.

Which acts do the witches appear in-macbeth?

Actually, the 3 witches do not commit any acts of violence, in Macbeth. The Witches tell Macbeth of 3 prophesies, which make an enormous impact on him. The Witches represent darkness, chaos, turmoil, temptation and conflict. They manipulate Macbeth, to the point of not being able to recognize evil and good, and they not only venture to seek trouble and havoc for Macbeth but for all mortals. They never tell Macbeth to kill King Duncan but they use a subtle form of manipulation by tempting Macbeth with visions and prophecies that he is destined to be King. By manipulating him in this manner, the Witches are indirectly responsible for leading him to his own doom. The trouble they seek and set out to cause, is not their primary activity but they relish in their quest for trouble, and delight in helping mortals meet their doom.

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What does Macbeth say aside when the others talk what does Macbeth reveal about his thinkinig?

Macbeth uses the word"aside" in the play a lot and the reason for this is that to show the audience that his mood is changing from good to evil. Shakespeare added this to the play because to add an good understandable equaton to the play.

Do hinduis see people as good or evil?

Depends on the way a person acts. One's thoughts and actions make the person good or makes the person evil.

Are any of the characters purely good or purely evil?

Nobody is purely good or purely evil. Everyone has both qualities mixed within them, so that good people sometimes do bad things, and evil people sometimes have good moments.