Legally you have to be 17. It is possible to not be checked for your age or lie when you create an online account. The ESRB Rating of M Mature 17+ age is unlocked at 17 and over.
No. Most people who buy m rated games are usally 13 and up. Look at me i own left 4 dead 2 a rated m game and im 15!
If you're in a store that doesn't mainly focus on video games, the answer is usually yes. If you're in a store like GameStop, for example, sometimes they stop you from buying the game, and sometimes they just warn you that the game is rated M and about the content of rated M games.
Call of Duty Rated M Uncharted Rated T Infamous Rated T Call of Juarez Rated M Alien Breed Rated T Cellfactor Rated T God of War Rated M SOCOM Rated M Lord of the Rings Rated M Enslaved Rated T Mortal Kombat Rated M Resistance Rated M Metal Gear Solid Rated M Fallout Rated M Heavy Rain Rated M Bulletstorm Rated M Killzone Rated M Darksiders Rated M Heavenly Sword Rated T Yakuza Rated M There's a lot more, but I think this is enough.
Yes!, M is 'from 13'
It is a crime to do that and you could get arrested and maybe even sent to a juvenile detention center.
A 17-year-old can buy 'R' rated tickets. But he would not be allowed to take in a child. Only a parent or guardian can take children into 'R' rated films.
no age, as long as you can play it You have to be 18 or over to buy M-RATED games in the U.S.
Buy E rated games instead of T or M rated games.
18 in order to play on M rated games.
17 or older
Only if the game is rated "M".
18 years old
Watch R rated movies buy/rent M video games pretty much it 18 is where you get all the privileges
18, you have to be able to sell M rated games.
Games can be rated 'M for Mature' and are for a 17+ audiences. Games can also be rated 'A for Adult' and are for a 18+ audiences. These ratings are set by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB)
Because their parents aren't thinking of the negative affects of M rated games on 8 year olds.
Because there's blood, some bad language, and violence. But some rated m games are 16 plus, which is half rated t and half 18 plus
According to the rating system, rated M games are intended for players over the age of 18.