racecar backwards is you do it yourself
Racecar Is Racecar Backwards was created on 2004-06-21.
yes it is. and racecar spelled backwards is racecar.
A palindrome. For example, racecar, mom, wow, et cetera.
Henry Ford, the Model T was a racecar.
That's an example of a palindrome; a word or phrase spelled the same way backwards and forwards. One of the most famous palindromes was a description of Theodore Roosevelt; "A Man, a Plan, A Canal; Panama!"
Racecar is racecar backwards.
Yes, the word "racecar" is a palindrome.
In the above equation, Hannah equals Hannah. The proof is that 'racecar' spelled backwards is 'racecar'. Hannah spelled backwards is Hannah. Both words are palindromes, words that are spelled the same forward and backward.
Walter Hernández - racecar driver - was born in 1965.