A car model that is spelled the same forward and backwards is a race car. As you can see RACECAR backwards is RACECAR.
race car Civic gig
If the question was "what is racecar spelled backwards?" then the answer would be racecar. "What is race car spelt backwords?" doesn't even make sense; spelt is a type of wheat-free flour and backwords isn't even a word.
yes it is. and racecar spelled backwards is racecar.
That would be a palindrome. An example is race car because if you spell if backwards, it is still race car.
racecar vrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
That's an example of a palindrome; a word or phrase spelled the same way backwards and forwards. One of the most famous palindromes was a description of Theodore Roosevelt; "A Man, a Plan, A Canal; Panama!"
No. It must be legally registered for racing to become a race car.
He is a race car.
Race car spelled backwards is the same thing: race car.