A caucasian girl.
This is a slang term for snorting the drug.
Medicine could be another way to mean drug.
There is no meaning, the more technical term for it simply fair and white like the same meaning it has in english term!
White Girl Wednesday is a slang term which is used in the United States. The origin of this term is not known. It means white girls who date or marry black males.
"Snow" is a term commonly used to refer to cocaine. This slang term is derived from the white, powdery appearance of the drug.
"THAT GIRL" is not a good term..
The term Drop means to take a drug this is often used hen referring to MDMA or 'ecstacy' "Have you dropped?" "Are you dropping?"
It is the Brand Name of a Drug.
The slang term "crank" is another word for the illegal drug meth ampetamine.
The term 'white glove' does not appear in the Bible.