The term Drop means to take a drug
this is often used hen referring to MDMA or 'ecstacy'
"Have you dropped?" "Are you dropping?"
This is a slang term for snorting the drug.
it a slang term for cocaine.
Medicine could be another way to mean drug.
let go of the mouse button.
It is the Brand Name of a Drug.
It must mean drop whatever it is very quickly, or as quickly as you can. If it was hot, you would sure let it go!
The slang term "crank" is another word for the illegal drug meth ampetamine.
The term "to drop a dime"comes from American street slang. When a drug dealer in the1960s would find it advantageous, they would call the police from a pay phone and snitch on a rival. The cost of a local phone call in the day was 10 cents, thus the term to drop a dime was coined.
I'm assuming you mean "half-life". If that's the case, that is a term referring to how long a drug stays in your system after you've stopped taking it.
q4d is every four days, and q4h every four hours. Q4G is not a normal term in drug dosing.
Drug misuse is when someone takes to much of a drug on purpose/ abuses the drug. If someone abuses a drug to much and takes the same amount over and over again they will need to take more of the drug to feel that affect.