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Moses was born in 1392 BCE. Pharaoh had decreed that Israelite boys be killed (Exodus ch.1), but the daughter of Pharaoh took pity on the infant Moses (Exodus ch.2) and raised him as her own son. He was forced to flee after killing a cruel Egyptian taskmaster, and went to Midian, where he wedded the daughter of Jethro. He eventually achieved the highest level of prophecy (Deuteronomy ch.34) and was called upon by God (Exodus ch.3). He brought the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery (Exodus ch.12). He received the Torah from God (Exodus 24:12) and later recorded it in writing (Deuteronomy 31:24). He went up on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights (Deuteronomy ch.9-10) and brought down the Two Stone Tablets with the Ten Commandments (Exodus 31:18). He brought the Israelites into the covenant with God (Exodus ch.19 and ch.24), and he oversaw the building of the Tabernacle (Exodus ch.35-40). He was the humblest of men and the greatest of prophets (Numbers ch.12).

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Q: What was the role of moses in the salvation history?
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Psalms that review the past are known as what kind of Psalms?

Salvation History psalms are a type of Thanksgiving Psalm.

What do members of the CME church believe that the bible is?

The Holy Scripture contain all things necessary to salvation They do not use canonical books. Moses ceremonies and rites do not bind CME Christians

What was Jesus Christs role in life?

Most Christians believe that Jesus Christs role on earth was to preach repentance to preach forgiveness to preach salvation and to die for the sins of humanity and to rise in glory to eternal life.

What evidence is there that Moses wrote the Pentateuch?

Another answer from our community:There are numerous statements within the books that Moses wrote them.Uniform and solid tradition amongst the Jews who recorded and passed on their history named Moses as the author. It was not discounted until it became fashionable to discredit their long history in the 19th century.Both Old and New Testament repeatedly refer to Moses as the author and they - being much closer than modern day critics to the events - are better placed to make the call.The writer also is obviously a participant in some of the events, and we know that Moses recorded history in written form. Geographical details, first-hand accounts of certain events, and the time in which it was written all point to Mosaic authorship.The style of writing used places it in the correct time frame for Moses. This literary form was not in use at the later date when those who discredit Mosaic authorship place the writing.

Is moses kin to Jesus?

No Moses is not a kin of Jesus but David is .

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Please kindly note Moses lead the people to freedom and away from the bondage of slavery. But he has no power what so ever to give any man salvation, that comes from Jesus only.

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