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there is no. we are all equall

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Q: What is the role of Israel in history of salvation?
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What was king SAUL role in salvation history?

No king Saul had no part in the role of salvation, only Jesus can truly give us salvation, aand nobody and nothing else can give salvation to man.

What role did St. Clare of Assisi play in the history of Israel?

St. Clare of Assisi was Italian and played no role what so ever in the history of Israel.

What role did Leah play in salvation history?

Leah bore Jacob [Israel] the child named JUDAH[among others] (Gen.29:35).So, historically, Judah, the father of the Jews, would play a MAJOR ROLE in the SALVATION of mankind, as Jesus was a JEW descended from Judah, Leah's son. [Lk.3:33 & Matt.1:2)"...SALVATION is OF THE JEWS." (John 4:22)

What role do the Israelites play in Salvation History?

Salvation is from the hand of God. Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to earth about 2000 years ago to reclaim mankind back to God by dying on the cross and being resurrected the third day. Jesus paid the price for any person who puts their faith in his DEATH, BURIAL, AND RESURRECTION. When Jesus came to this earth 2000 years ago He was born to Mary in Bethlehem. Mary was an Israelite. So we can plainly see by the Bible that Israel played a very major role in the salvation history as Jesus Christ as a Man was an Israelite. God created the nation of Israel in order to bring the Messiah into the world.

What role did Jessie Street play in the history of Israel or the church?

Jesse Street was an Australian Suffragette. She had nothing to do with either Israel or the Church.

What is the difference between the history of salvation and salvation history?

Salvation history already happened. It is the fulfillment of the promise of redemption. History of salvation started long before and keeps on rolling until now.

Who are the women mentioned in the bible that has big role in history of salvation and what is her contribution?

Mary. She bore Jesus according to Gods Will.

What does the history of salvation tell us?

Salvation History is the story of how God saved his people

What role did Assyrians have in the ancient state of Israel and the history of Jewish People?

The exiled the Ten Israelite tribes.

What role did Ruth play in the history of Israel or the chuurch?

There are / were many people with the name Ruth which one are you asking about

What is the significance of salvation history today?

The significance of salvation history today is that it continues to be a widely held belief. Salvation history tells of the unfolding of actual human events that God has embodied.