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  • It is believed that 11 year old Thomas Thompson who attended Wallasey School in nearby Moreton took an overdose of painkillers after students at his school ridiculed him because he was clever. The general age begins at 10 to 14 in the United States where bullying is the highest. Thankfully, parents are becoming more proactive as well as many students in the school who form groups to protect victims of bullying. One must remember that there are only a handful of bullies and the majority of students are just fine. However, if any student or group of students who see a victim being bullied and walk on by are just as much At Fault as the bully. Be proactive; get parents involved (in some countries and in many States ... New Jersey has a no tolerance limit of bullying.) The police are also creating task forces to catch cyber bullies and the punishments in some countries and some States (including Canada) are harsh punishments for bullies and even harsher punishments for any bully or group of bullies that push a young person to suicide over bullying tactics.
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Q: What is the youngest age someone has committed suicide from bullying?
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around 3000 people a year, as of 2013.

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No. Life insurance policies are usally voided in the case of suicide.

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A lot of people have committed suicide from cyber bullying, of course it has the same penalties as regular, it is ILLEGAL!

Why do some people think it's funny when a victim committed suicide from bullying or cyber-bullying?

People laugh at other people who commit suiside because they want them to die and suffer.

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Of course not! It's for everyone not just suicide victims! P.S. i love that song by Justin Timberlake

What can be a conclusion of bullying?

Committing suicide is normally the conclusion of bullying if it is that worse.

Should or shouldn't commit suicide from bullying or cyber-bullying?

I believe you shouldn't commit suicide from bullying/cyber-bullying, people who attempt suicide, but don't commit it often are glad they didn't complete suicide, it only gets better from there. Plus people will be sad if a person commits suicide because they will lose a friend or a family member or whatever relationship they have going on.