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Leviticus vayikra
The Book of Leviticus. This Book is called LEVITICUS, because it treats of the Offices, Ministries, Rites and Ceremonies of the Priests and Levites. The Hebrews call it VAICRA, from the word with which it begins.

Exodus ends with the glory of the Lord moving into the Tabernacle. Leviticus picks up with the presence of the Lord calling out to Moses from inside the Tabernacle. Leviticus teaches God's people how they are to approach Him and live pleasing in His sight. Its central command is to "be HOLY." "...You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy" (Leviticus 19:2). The first 16 chapters and the last chapter of the book describe the Priestly Code, detailing ritual cleanliness, sin-offerings, and the Day of Atonement, including Chapter 12 which mandates male circumcision.[1] Chapters 17-26 describe the holiness code, including the injunction in chapter 19 to love one's neighbor as oneself.[2] Among its many prohibitions, the book uses the word "abomination" 16 times, including dietary restrictions prohibiting shellfish, certain fowl, and "Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and whatsoever goeth upon all four, or whatsoever hath more feet among all creeping things that creep upon the earth, them ye shall not eat; for they are an abomination"(chapter 11); and sexual restrictions prohibiting lying "with mankind, as with womankind" (chapter 18, see also chapter 20); the book similarly prohibits eating pork and rabbits because they are "unclean."[3] The rules in Leviticus are generally addressed to the descendants of Israel, except for example the prohibition in chapter 20 against sacrificing children to rival god Molech, which applies equally to "the strangers that sojourn in Israel".[4] (WIKIPEDIA)According to tradition Moses is the Author of the book. For more information about the Book of Leviticus please click the links below.

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