New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
(and this was the correct answer on the television show: 'Jeopardy' when this very question was asked recently)
It is translated in most and every language.
There are many Protestant translations, but the most common are the NIV and the KJV.
The New Living Translation of the Bible has 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New; in common with most other Bible translations.
78.....because some translations have several versions
As they are not actual word-for-word translations , paraphrases are inaccurate versions of the Bible, and I personally think one of the worst of the lot is "The Message" by Eugene Peterson.
Today's parallel bible lets you benefit from the rich nuances of meaning offered by different translations. It set's four of today's most popular translations side by side for you to compare and contrast.
It does not appear in most English translations.
NLT stands "New Living Translation" in relation to Bible translations. It is a very popular Bible translation because New Living Translation is very easy to understand for young adults.
No, not in the most common of the English translations.
Not in most English translations. Please check spelling.
It is not found in most English translations.
It is translated in most and every language.
Bible translations into Welsh was created in 1567.
Bible translations into Greek happened in 1901.
Yes. Most modern translations are accurate.
Bible translations into Hawaii Pidgin was created in 2000-07.
The ISBN of Bible translations into Hawaii Pidgin is 978-0938978213.