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Jason is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, and is a variant and connected loosely with the name Joshua, which is derived from the Hebrew name Yehoshua: A very special name with Divine meanings. Jason (Greek) = to Heal, Restore or make Whole. Joshua (Greek and derived from Hebrew name Yehoshua) = Jehovah is Salvation. But since there isn't a letter "J" in the Hebrew Aleph Bet, this takes us here: Yehoshua or Yahoshua (Hebrew in Origin) = Yahweh is Salvation. Yeshua or Yashua (Hebrew - shortened form of Yehoshua) = to Save Ioesus/Jesus (Greek/Latin and Origin derived from Hebrew name Yehoshua or Yahoshua) = The Lord is Salvation. I tried to be considerate to and included both spellings of the Hebrew name Yahoshua or Yehoshua. To be accurate, there really isn't a true Hebrew translation of the name Jason, although the meanings are quite close, yet they are not the same to the Greek name of Joshua or Hebrew name of Yeshua. To be specific, there isn't a one to one translation of Jason to a name in Hebrew. But the above explanation, at least I think, allows you to assume the name of Joshua with confidence, but just don't try to change it to Dave, that just wouldn't fly in any language.... =) Shalom.

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