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Q: How many times does the word Messiah appear in English Bible?
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How many times is Messiah mentioned in THE Bible?

The word "Messiah" is in the King James Version of the Bible 2 times. It is in 2 verses.

How many times does the word want appear in the bible?

In the English Standard Version (ESV), 33 times.

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The word 'bridge' does not appear in the Authorized King James Version (KJV) bible. Nor does it appear in the NIV or the English Standard Version (ESV).

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The word "peirasmos" does not appear anywhere in the English KJV bible.

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426 times word without appear in the Bible

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Sanctify, sanctifying, and sanctified appear in the bible 15 times.

Where in the Bible to find that Jesus is the messiah?

The word "messiah" is used four times in the standard Christian Bible, two times in the Old Testament prophecies of Daniel and two times in the New Testament. It is the two incidences in the New Testament that identify Jesus as the Messiah. John 1:41-42 says that Christ is the Messiah. In John 4: 25-26, Jesus declares Himself to be the Messiah.

How many times does evil spirit appear in the Bible?

It appears 3 times in the English Standard Version (ESV). See related link.

How many times does the word angry appear in Bible?

It appears 94 times in the English Standard Version (ESV). See related link.

How many times I am in you is in the Bible?

The phrase does not appear in the bible.

How many times is star mentioned in the bible?

Actually the Bible was written in many different languages. The english word Star does not appear once in the original text.

How many times is the word Messiah mentioned in the Bible Old Testament and new testament?

Without counting, I can tell you a lot. Everytime you see "XX the annointed" (Kings, Rabbis, Priests were all called "Messiah") the word used was the same as "Messiah" (Especially in the Old Testament). However, the translators changed it because they believe people are too stupid to know the difference. New question: How many times does the word "Messiah"/"The annointed"/"Rubbed" appear in the Bible? (They are all the same word.)