The word 'star' appears 19 times in the KJV Bible.
Pleiades and Orion are the two star constellations that are mentioned in the Bible.See Job 9:9,Job 38:31, andAmos 5:8.
The word star(s) appears numerous times in scripture. Here are a few examples: • 1 Corinthians 15:41 There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory. • Matthew 2:2 "Where is he who is born King of the Jews? For we saw his star in the east, and have come to worship him." • Luke 10:18 And he said, I was watching for Satan, falling from heaven like a star.
In the bible the star was first seen by the three wisemen.
Number 61 is important because the 61nth book in the Bible has 61 verses, and its the only book with such a correspondence. The word ÔfearÕ is used 61 times in the New Testament and the words Ôeternally, star and freeÕ appear 61 times in the whole Bible.
The word 'star' appears 19 times in the KJV Bible.
Isaiah 14:12.
Actually, it isn't
prophet David (PBUH) is mentioned many times in Koran. but about the star no. at least I do not know.
In the King James version the word - Star - appears 15 times the word - stargazers - appears once the word - stars - appears 51 times
In the King James version the word - Star - appears 15 times the word - stargazers - appears once the word - stars - appears 51 times
Paul Newman, as mentioned by Ponyboy several times.
Pleiades and Orion are the two star constellations that are mentioned in the Bible.See Job 9:9,Job 38:31, andAmos 5:8.
Picard is not mentioned in Star Trek XI, no.
The word "robot" is used in the original Star Wars trilogy a total of 15 times. It is primarily mentioned during conversations about droids like C-3PO and R2-D2.
It is four times as brighter. It is four times as brighter.
A star tree topper typically represents the Star of Bethlehem, as mentioned in the Nativity story from the Bible. It symbolizes the guiding star that led the Three Wise Men to the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Additionally, the star is often seen as a symbol of hope and light during the Christmas season.