

How many religions use the Bible?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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12y ago

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  • Christianity is based entirely on the Bible.
  • Judaism's Bible is called the Tanach, which they divide into three sections: Teachings, the Prophets, and the Writings; Judaism also places great importance on ancient commentaries but considers them subordinate to the Tanakh itself. The Christian Old Testament was based on the Tanach but was altered to support the teachings of Christianity. The Old Testament is not considered a valid religious text within Judaism.
  • Islam considers the Bible to be an important historical and religious book, but considers the Quran to be more important and more accurate.
  • Mormonism (the name of the organization is formally "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints") believes that the Bible was correct when it was written but that the versions we have today have been corrupted over the years; Mormonism considers the Book of Mormon to be superior to the Bible.
  • Jehovah's Witnesses use "The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures" Bible. Contrary to common belief, it hardly differs from other translations. In fact, the only major difference is that this translation has kept God's personal name - Jehovah, whereas other translations have removed this name. Jehovah's Witnesses do not reject other translations; rather, they actually often refer to other translations.
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The three Abrahamic religions are Judaism (the Tanakh), Christianity (Old Testament), and Islam (the Taurat).

Do you have to believe in Christianity to use the Bible?

No, many atheists I know read the Bible more for philosophy. Some read it just for the stories. You don't have to be a christian to read the Bible. The Bible is used by other religions as well. The old testament is straight from Judaism, and mormons use a slightly different version of the Bible in their churches. Regardless of your religious beliefs, the Bible contains good lessons for everyone.

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Just like there were many religions before the codification of the Old Testament of the Bible, there were and still are many religions being formed post the New Testament was completed in circa 95-100 AD. One many will be familiar with today is 'Islam' which was created in the 7th Century AD.

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The Bible influenced the three religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

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It would depend on your religious beliefs. Many people do not hold with or believe in the bible. In addition many other religions have their own texts.

Why do you have the living Bible?

Some people like to learn new religions so people use the bible. It's worth 800 point on Accelerated Reader.

How many prophets are there altogether in every religion?

It is actually undetermined how many religions are in the world but in the Jewish religion there were 48 prophets and seven prophetesses whose words were recorded in the Hebrew Bible.

Why are other religions labeled mythologies?

A:It is traditional for the Abrahamic religions to refer to most other religions as mythologies. A myth is really a legend with a supernatural reference, and these are also to be found in the Bible and Koran. When we use the term 'mythology' in respect to religion, we should either use it for all religions without exception, or for none at all.

Which religions use meditation?

To meditate means to think on, ponder or consider. Therefore, many religions use meditation as a form of learning and understanding. In the Christian religion, the Bible states that one is to meditate day and night on things which are good and honorable. Other religions meditate believing they can obtain a higher form of spiritualism, contact spirits, or control their minds and body functions.

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Which two religions have religious text written in the bible?

Judaism and Christianity, the two religions that are actually from God.

Do Chinese use The Bible?

Chinese do use the Bible. i already saw many chinese Bibles.