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Q: Which Religions Use The Bible As Their Sacred Text?
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What is the name of the second Bible?

Even though i am not sure what you are asking when referring to a "second bible" i will attempt to help you. Several faiths use books in addition to the Bible that they consider as sacred to support their beliefs; examples Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses. The catholic faith uses a version of the Bible that is the same Bible as the protestant churches use with the exception being the Catholic Bible contains 8 books in the Old Testament that are omitted from versions of the Bible the protestant churches use. Even though this is the case both protestants and catholics agree on the central theme in the Bible; salvation is through Jesus Christ alone and the Bible is the only source where the sacred word of God to man is be found; this being true there would be no "second bible".

What religions use the New King James Bible?

No religion has primarily or exclusively endorsed the New King James Bible, however, it is used in many strains of Protestant Christianity, most especially Anglicans and Episcopalians.

Where can you buy a KJV Bible that uses the name Yeshua?

There are several versions that use transliterations of the the original Hebrew names in the KJV. The Restored Name King James Version and the Sacred Name Bible are both available online:

What are the rest of books in the bible apart the 66 books?

There are no other books. However, you can find books of Apocrypha which are not part of the 66. Some religions use them and even include them in their Bible. In addition, you can find even more remote books which most do not consider Holy.

Is the Bible still relevant today and why?

As long as there are people of faith, the Bible will be relevant. It may be evident that some even of those who claim to be devout believers do not really use the Ten Commandments or the teachings of Jesus as their personal guide to ethical behaviour. If this were not the case, we would not need so many laws to enforce proper conduct. Nevertheless, Christians do still use the Bible as a source of inspiration to their faith. Even to atheists and followers of other religions, the Bible remains relevant purely because of its historical significance.

Related questions

Do all religions use the same bible?

No. There are numerous polytheistic faiths and aboriginal faiths (in the Americas and Australia) without any sacred book.

Why are sacred texts helpful to people from different religions how do belivers use sacred texts how would religions be different without sacred texts?

The Holy Bible is from God and it helps people to become aware of what He wants for their lives. Religions would be different without scripture because, the information might not get passed on correctly if it was only taught verbally without a text.

Bison sacred to the North American Tribes?

They were not "Sacred" in the same way that you use the term (general christian type definition) as in the "Bible is Sacred" etc. Bison were honored and respected as a 'gift' from the great spirit to nourish his red children, but they were not sacred. The use of terms between these religions can cause confusion.

Which 2 religions are without sacred texts?

All religion's texts aren't sacred. Don't let anyone ever tell you they are. Saying their texts are sacred is just one of the many tools those in religious power use to protect and perpetuate their world standing. Don't play into it.

What is the Amish Bible?

The sacred text that the Amish use is the Bible. Those of the Amish faith are Christian. The Amish also have a set of rules governing how they should live their lives, this set of rules is called the Ordnung.

How do you use 'sacred' word in sentences?

You can use the word "sacred" to describe something that is considered holy, blessed, or revered in a religious or spiritual context. For example, "This temple is a sacred place for worship," or "The sacred text is highly respected by the community."

What text do jews use?

The jewish book of sacred texts is called the Torah

What is a Protestant sacred scripture or text?

All protestant churches use the Holy Bible as their sacred texts in the same way as the Roiman Catholic Church. The only minor difference is that in the Roman Bible some books are included that are not regarded as worthy of being called 'scripture' in the Protestant Churches. In 'protestant' bibles these books (like the Maccabees, Tobit, baruch etc) are often included in a separate section.

What version of the Bible do the Buddhist use?

The Buddhist use 'sacred texts' or 'scriptures'. But it is nothing like the Bible of Koran (al-Quran, right?). It contains teachings, sayings of the Buddha.

Which 3 religions use the first section of the Bible and what do they call it?

The three Abrahamic religions are Judaism (the Tanakh), Christianity (Old Testament), and Islam (the Taurat).

Why do you have the living Bible?

Some people like to learn new religions so people use the bible. It's worth 800 point on Accelerated Reader.

What makes a text sacred?

It is hard to say what makes a text sacred, other than people's claims. When many people over a long period of time claim that a text is sacred, it is typically considered to be so. However, as the Bible is the very word of God Himself, and He is Holy and Perfect, it is sacred to mankind. ANOTHER ANSWER: Sacred, definition: to make Holy. Only God's presence in someone or something can make that person or thing "sacred" or "holy." For instance, it's the presence of God's Holy Spirit in a person that "sanctifies" [sets apart for Holy use] that person. Otherwise, there is nothing holy about them. Moses, also, stood on "Holy or Sacred" ground: "...God called to him from the bush, 'Moses, Moses!' 'Here I am!' Moses replied. 'Do not come any closer, ' God told him. 'Take off your sandals, for YOU ARE STANDING ON HOLY GROUND.'" (Ex.3:4-5 NLT New Living Translation) What made that particular piece of real estate "holy?" God's presence, there. The Bible text is "sacred" because it's God's Divinely-revealed LIVING WORD, "inspired by Him" to be recorded by those men whom He called out of the world to do so. But it's not regarded as sacred to "all mankind." Most of mankind, living under the oppressive, deceptive hand of this world's god, doesn't "BELIEVE" or place their "Faith" in God's "sacred text"... because His Holy Spirit isn't present, dwelling within most men. Most of mankind is not yet "sacred" or "made Holy" or "sanctified" by God's presence in them. Only God's "called-out-ones;" [ekklesia; church] know how "sacred" the Bible is: "Because the mind of the flesh is death; but the Spirit Life and Peace. Because the mind of the flesh is enmity [hostile] against God: for it is not subject to the Law of God; for neither indeed can it be: and they that are in flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in flesh but in Spirit, if indeed God's Spirit dwell in you; but if any one has NOT the Spirit of Christ he IS NOT OF HIM: but if Christ be in you, the body is dead on account of sin [the transgression of the law - I John 3:4], but the Spirit Life on account of Righteousness." (Rom.8:6-10 DRB Darby's Bible) So, for now at least, the holiness, sanctity and sacredness of God's Word is lost on the vast majority of mankind -- and the "text of the Bible" is only sacred to those whom God opens their minds and hearts to understand -- His servants. "Then He opened their minds to understand these many Scriptures." (Luke 24:45 NLT) So, what makes the Bible a "sacred text" is "God's presence in its Living Words." But what makes that "text sacred" to a man is "God's presence" in that man... and the Holy Spirit's revealing perception of its Truth in that man's mind and heart.