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Q: How many arrows in a quiver in the Bible?
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How many is a quiver?

a quiver is not a measurement it is a device used for holding arrows

How do you do a sentence with quiver?

Robin Hood had many arrows in his quiver.

What is collective noun for arrows?

The collective nouns for arrows a 'sheaf of arrows' or a 'quiver of arrows'.

In what does an archer carry his arrows?

The archer's Quiver holds the arrows.

A case for arrows that starts with q?

A case for arrows is called a quiver.

What is collective nouns of arrows?

The word 'set' denotes a collection of objects, which is a collective noun. The usual collective noun for arrows is a 'quiver of arrows'.

Can you use quiver in a sentence?

The arrows were stored in a quiver.

What does quiver mean in the Bible?

A quiver is an archer's case for carrying his arrows. Typically, it was made of leather, and carried on the back over the shoulder. It was standard equipment for hunters and soldiers. Quiver is also used as a metaphor in the Bible for manliness and virility (simply put, being capable of copulation and procreation): Psalm 127 compares the blessing of many sons to the happiness of an archer having a "quiver full of arrows". In the feminine, the word can also carry a euphemistic sexual connotation, such the association of a woman as a well, or "quiver" (Proverbs 23). "God's quiver" is divine imagery of what He holds in store for us. His quiver contains the blessings He can bestow on His people (think of the arrows as blessings, and the arrows symbolizing children, for example). It can also illustrate chastening or wrath (as in how His quiver contained the arrows that brought down Jerusalem). The quiver of God is also protection ("He made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in His quiver"), such as in Isaiah 49.

What is the collective noun of quiver?

The word quiver is the collective noun for a quiver of arrows.

What does 'Quiver full' mean?

When bow hunting, the arrows are carried in a tubular item called a 'quiver'. I'm assuming that your answer is "A quiver full of arrows".

What would you expect to find in a quiver?


What does a quiver contain?
