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An IQ (Intelligence Quotient) score of 115 means that an individual scored higher on the test than roughly 84 percent of a large representative sample (of the entire population) that took the test. Most university students score higher than 90 percent. Considering that the majority of the population scores in the range of 90 to 110, a score of 115 is above average.

IQ tests are controversial and do not necessarily prove intellectual giftedness or a lack of intellectual giftedness. These tests are especially inept at measuring natural intuitive problem solving which is used to make complex inferences. That being said, a score above the 98th percentile (130) is usually attributed to highly superior intelligence.

Individuals that are leading authorities in various academic fields of study usually score between the 95th and 98th percentile range. Tests more sophisticated than conventional IQ tests (such as the Wechsler and Stanford-Binet) are generally needed to measure intelligence above the 98th percentile.


An IQ (Intelligence Quotient) of one hundred fifteen is mildly gifted, considering the average IQ of humans is set at 100. {This is not an accurate statement. See above.}

[I concur with and expand on the above stated fact that it (an IQ of 115) is not "mildly gifted." It is "high average" according to Cognitive Assessment System, Woodcock-Johnson (I swear I did not make that name up), Stanford-Binet, and Wechsler (WISC-III is likely the test one took in US if they are in primary school). Kaufman and Reynolds tests classify it is "above average." While IQ may contain some bias, it is a remarkable tool for identifying school children for placement in gifted/advanced courses or developmental programs.]

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