About 15.87% of people have an IQ over 115.
Z-score of 1 on a normal distribution means 84.13% have an IQ below 115 and 15.87% have an IQ above 115.
IQ Graph
Seventy percent of the population score in that range. Normal is considered anything from 90 to 110.
21 Answer: 85 to 115.
Two percent
68% of all people.
Seventy percent of the population score in that range. Normal is considered anything from 90 to 110.
You have an IQ of 115, which is at the high side of average.
The probability is 0.68
21 Answer: 85 to 115.
Two percent
There are no IQ requirements to play bridge. And 115 is above average.
100 is average but most people are around 115.
The average IQ for anyone is 100. An IQ of 115 would be considered above average.
68% of all people.
IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is relatively stable throughout the lifespan. The average IQ for any age person is 100. Sixty-eight percent of the population have an IQ ranging from 85-115. The graph below will illustrate IQ scores in a typical population.
Korean people have around a 115 or 120 iq, on average, about 15 points higher than the rest of the world