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To speak one's mind with brutal honesty with absolutely no regard to others feelings or the consequences.

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Q: What is the meaning of the slang term 'Call a spade a bloody shovel'?
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What is the difference of shovel and pail?

A shovel is a spade. A Pail is a Bucket.

What does call a spade a bloody shovel mean?

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Give it to them straight! This is an emphatic way of saying "Call a spade a spade," which means "Don't use any fancy language or flowery terms to try to make the situation look better than it is." "Bloody" is a mildly offensive curse word used in the UK and Australia.

What is the shovel in runescape called?


What tool resembles the appearance of a spoon and is used for transferring soil?

A trowel. Its name comes from its resemblance to a spoon. A trowel in general is a small, single-hand implement for digging, scooping, spreading, or otherwise manipulating dirt or other bulk materials (such as mortar).

What is another name for shovel?

the another name for a shovel is A Mexican Back hoe. Why?......

What tools and equipment are used in gardining?

spade, shovel, picker, edger, sprinkler, plant food :)

What is another word for a trowel?

miniture shovel, or hand spade.

What does a dog go through when she has never had a pup or not spayed?

Spaded as in ace of spades ir spade shovel? Cause if you use a Spade shovel on the poor dog she will go through quite alot.

How do fiberglass and wooden shovel and spade handles compare?

Fiberglass will be more durable, but can cost a bit more than spade handles.

What are the tools used in cleaning the ground?

Shovel, spade, hoe, rake, weeder.

What are the hand tools used in site preparation?

hoe, handfork, spade, shovel

How did the spadefoot toad get its name?

Because they have a spade (shovel) like foot that helps them dig.