To speak one's mind with brutal honesty with absolutely no regard to others feelings or the consequences.
A shovel is a spade. A Pail is a Bucket.
Say what you mean and mean what you say. Give it to them straight! This is an emphatic way of saying "Call a spade a spade," which means "Don't use any fancy language or flowery terms to try to make the situation look better than it is." "Bloody" is a mildly offensive curse word used in the UK and Australia.
A trowel. Its name comes from its resemblance to a spoon. A trowel in general is a small, single-hand implement for digging, scooping, spreading, or otherwise manipulating dirt or other bulk materials (such as mortar).
the another name for a shovel is A Mexican Back hoe. Why?......
spade, shovel, picker, edger, sprinkler, plant food :)
miniture shovel, or hand spade.
Spaded as in ace of spades ir spade shovel? Cause if you use a Spade shovel on the poor dog she will go through quite alot.
Fiberglass will be more durable, but can cost a bit more than spade handles.
Shovel, spade, hoe, rake, weeder.
hoe, handfork, spade, shovel
Because they have a spade (shovel) like foot that helps them dig.