

Best Answer

1. establishment of standard

2. fixation of the standard

3. compairing actual performance with standard performance

4. finding out the deviation

5. correcting the deviation

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Q: What are the steps involved in management directing?
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Directing management is when you lead your team by objectives. To be effective, you must measure their performance based on them meeting their objectives.

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There are a range of steps involved in restructuring management. Some of these steps include making the actual decision to restructure, create a detailed plan, define the ideal workforce to achieve the objectives and consulting. The process is completed by implementation and measuring the success of the new structuring.

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There are five steps involved in the deliberate risk management process. They include identifying hazards, assessing the hazards, making risk decisions, implementing controls, and supervising and watching for changes.

What are the five steps of the deliberate risk management process?

There are five steps involved in the deliberate risk management process. They include identifying hazards, assessing the hazards, making risk decisions, implementing controls, and supervising and watching for changes.

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The purpose of directing is to give clear guidelines on how a something should be done. This is one of the roles of management.

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