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Q: What is the Process of leading and directing an organization?
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Process of leading and directing an organization?

Process of leading and directing an organization.

What is the Process of leading and directing and organization?


What does management does?

management is a process which involves process of planning,organizing ,directing and controlling the organization resources in order to achieve the organizations goals.

Management is what management does?

management is a process which involves process of planning,organizing ,directing and controlling the organization resources in order to achieve the organizations goals.

What is the definition of management from 20 different authors?

management is a process of planning, organizing,staffing, directing, coordinating and cooperating, budgeting in an organization.

What are key objectives of directing salesmen in an organization?

The key objectives of directing sales people in an organization is to facilitate their making sales and satisfied customers.

What do you mean by management aspect?

Management may be regarded as the act of getting people together o accomplish desired goals and objectives using resources effectively and efficiently.It comprises of planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing and controlling an organization or efforts for the purpose of accomplishing a goal.In broad terms,management is a process of overseeing and controlling a business or organization and the people therein.There are some of the chief of management: 1. Human Resource Management. 2. Organization. 3. Co-ordination. 4. Planning 5. Directing. 6. Budgeting

Why are leadership and motivation necessary in a business in which people are paid for their work?

The leading and motivating function is concerned with the human resources within an organization. Leading is the process of influencing people to work toward a common goal. Motivating is the process of providing reasons for people to work in the best interests of an organization. Both motivating and leading is important for an organization to get the most use of an employee.

What is etymological meaning of leitmotif?

of Lead, of Lead, Guiding; directing; controlling; foremost; as, a leading motive; a leading man; a leading example., The act of guiding, directing, governing, or enticing; guidance., Suggestion; hint; example.

What part of speech is quarterback when it means directing or leading?


What is the management some example?

Some would define management as an art, while others would define it as a science. Whether management is an art or a science isn't what is most important. Management is a process that is used to accomplish organizational goals; that is, a process that is used to achieve what an organization wants to achieve. An organization could be a business, a school, a city, a group of volunteers, or any governmental entity. Managers are the people to whom this management task is assigned, and it is generally thought that they achieve the desired goals through the key functions of (1) planning, (2) organizing, (3) directing, and (4) controlling. Some would include leading as a managing function, but for the purposes of this discussion, leading is included as a part of directing.

What is Blue hat thinking?

The Blue hat is thinking about the overall thinking process and organization of the group. It focuses on managing the thinking and directing the group towards goals and objectives.