No dog has the ability to lock their jaw when biting. “Lock jaw” is a medical condition where ANY dogs mouth can lock when opening wide. It is not breed specific.
No dog has a locking jaw. Their jaw may be powerful but NO breed can lock it's jaw. (Not even a pit bull or other bully breed)
Lock jaw, also known as tetanus, is a condition characterized by severe muscle stiffness and spasms, particularly in the jaw muscles. It is caused by a bacterial infection and can be potentially life-threatening if left untreated. Vaccination is available to prevent tetanus.
NO..... NO DOG OF ANY BREED HAS LOCK JAW !!!! That is a myth ! (Not even the pit bull).....
The term jaw lock is when the dog has his teeth on an item and is very hard to pull him away puto's
What do u do to part a staff that gets lock jaw on another dog
Hi there, I own an American Staffordshire Terrier, very powerful dog including the jaw. My best friend owns a boxer and we had this exact discussion between ourselves about 2 years ago. We exhausted every avenue of "lock-jaw". Read every thing we could find about lock jaw and asked numerous Vets. They all had the same answer......No dog on this earth has "lock-jaw". The only case of a dog having lock-jaw was a dog with tetanus lock-jaw, it is very rare that a dog gets this type of disease , that is the only type of lock-jaw a dog may get. It's a medical condition , nothing to do with the actual "lock-jaw" I hope this answered your question...there is no such thing as a dog with "lock-jaw". Its a myth. Check out this site, its the one we found to be most creditable and he confirmed the "lock-jaw" myth
chew gum
No a pugs jaw DOES NOT lock. If you are having a dog with this problem you need to see a vet. It could be a simple tooth problem or somethiing genetic tho pugs are NOT given to having jaw issues.
tetanus has the tenancy to cause lock jaw if left untreated i.e un-innoculated persons etc. lock jaw is where the muscles around the jaw tence up and cause a closed mouth i.e lock jaw effect and the person will need to go to the doctors/hospital and have there jaw injected with a muscle relaxant and "pry" the jaw open again, if lock jaw is not treated immediately then cracked/smashed teeth can be a result of to much down and upward pressure on the teeth. very nasty, cheers
No, Japanese Akitas do not have lock jaw. Like all dogs, they can have strong jaws, but there is no specific breed trait that causes lock jaw. Lock jaw is a myth and not a characteristic of any specific breed.