That's what your mum said last night! Except i think she said that... She had her mouth full... I Don't even know if she was talking to me... There were other guys there too...
Aaahhhh is that what they call it now
oh yeah? Well i did your mum in the photo booth at the mall/shopping centre... 3 different possitions for $1
yeh? Well i think you should go get your beauty sleep... Stay in bed a whole month...
I will do all the clever stuff! In fact if i had a face like yours, I'd sit up all night and slap the hell out of it...
I'm sorry, I lost concentration coz i was thinking about how annoying you are...
Some funny 2 syllable slang words include "booze," "chill," "scrub," and "hustle."
Some people may think they are funny because they enjoy making others laugh or seek validation and attention. However, humor can be subjective, and what one person finds funny, another may not. This can lead some individuals to believe they are funny even when others do not find them humorous.
Speaking patterns or accents are influenced by a variety of factors such as region, culture, and personal habits rather than sexual orientation. It is a stereotype that all gay men "talk funny," and it is important to avoid making assumptions based on someone's speech patterns or how they present themselves.
Some common descriptor words include: beautiful, intelligent, friendly, creative, adventurous, funny, generous, determined, kind, and passionate.
She made a mean-spirited comment about her coworker's appearance.
There are several books you can purchase either in Barnes and Noble or via the web for funny comebacks. A site called silentreed in hubpages has some realy good ones.
If you're trying to copy me, you're better at being ugly!
Some people decide to have a account just to be funny. I'm not quite sure but whoever does, is rude. no offevense to the people that do.
Says the murderer....
Just say thank you for the compliment. has some clean jokes but there is also a rude jokes section so beware what they see :-D has some clean jokes but there is also a rude jokes section so beware what they see :-D
It is not rude. Some consider it rude as it is the meat of small calves.
A good classy comeback for a girl is "that is why there is only one me".
Just ignore them or say your mother :P it works.
Your test results came back negative?
Every individual has a different sense of what they feel is funny regarding a joke. Some people do not mind harmless jokes, while other people do not find crude or rude jokes funny at all. Perhaps the jokes told are simply not that funny to you and it is fine if you don't laugh at jokes. Everyone has that option.
you could say at least I'm not conceited (conceited means in love with yourself) i would know this because I am super great at comebacks