Says the murderer....
"If it exploded, how am I talking to you?"
sarcasm......i guess!
"It cant be bigger than your ego."
if somebody says f you just say "maybe later" or something like that
I guess you find the instructions and them follow what it says to do. if not ask a person who works with the system.
Giving good comebacks is pretty hard to do. It takes plenty of practice and good timing, all you have to do is take the insult or mean thing a person says to and simply give it back. Example: person 1: "You're ugly!" person 2: "Wow, me? ugly? Look whos talking..." *A key point is stay calm and don't look hurt or insulted. Also keep a sly grin on your face and be sarcastic, it helps.
Like if someone says '' your stupid'' say i know you are or thanks im glad you notice''
She's afraid to say her real thoughts.
its what i guess chris says i am
SCAM! They do not even have a working phone number, the only way you can reach them is through a 24/7 online chat. WHICH IS NEVER AVAILABLE!. They charged me 71.76 and they do not do re funds. EVEN though there website says 100% Satisfaction. Stick with limewire or Ares. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR SNAPPY MUSIC.
I guess because he is just happy and he could be saying yes but i guess he says Come on.