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if another driver makes a mistake... etc

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Q: What is the benefit of a space cushion around your vehicle?
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Related questions

What kind of cushion is the area around your car?

Space cushion

What is a Space cushion?

A space cushion is the area of road around your vehicle that you should maintain clear of other vehicles to allow for safe braking, maneuvering, and reacting to unexpected situations. It provides you with time and space to react to sudden changes in traffic without causing a collision.

What is the space all around your car called?

Space cushion

Should you try to keep a space cushion around your vehicle whenever possible?

Yes, when another driver makes a mistake, you will have time to react

It is important to keep around you when you are driving?

A "space cushion"

The term space cushion and visibility means?

"Space and visibility" refers to defensive driving techniques that result in space for the vehicle and visibility for the driver.

Which space around your vehicle is the most important?

Of all the space around your vehicle, it is the area ahead of the vehicle - the space you are driving into - that is most important.

What is vehicle operating space?

Vehicle operating space is the area around the vehicle that cannot be seen from the driver's seat.

What is the most critical part of the cushion of safety in driving?

Maintaining a safe following distance is the most critical part of the cushion of safety in driving. This ensures that you have enough time and space to react to unexpected events or sudden stops from the vehicle in front of you.

What is a zone around your vehicle that is unencumbered called?

the operating space

What part of the space cushion is easiest to control?

The Front

Who was the first American to orbit around the earth in a space vehicle?

Yes !