

Why were firearms invented?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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βˆ™ 16y ago

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they invented them so they could win WW1 + WW2/ the gun was invented because it took years of training and lots of arm strength to use the longbow with guns their armies could have 10 times the shooters of an army using longbows the gun also killed the enemy cleaner than the longbow because instead of bleeding to death like with an arrow a bullet uses hydrostatic shock to kill that means the impact of the bullet causes water or blood to expand its like an explosion but with water the gun also had greater penetration than the arrow it also allows a very small person to defend his/herself against a much larger person/animal it could also take down dangerous animals like a bear,moose,elk for food or fur a bow could also kill large game but they are more likely to charge even if you hit them the gun also allows freedom to exist most other weapons require too much training or strength for the average person to use but the gun takes little training and no muscle to use this allows a whole country with men wemon and even 9 year old children in some places to defend their countries independece

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Firearms were invented like any other weapon for the art of war

but look on the bright side if they werent invented people would be getting hacked up with swords instead of just shot

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Da rifl wath invetd bie mee hunter dupont (4 yeews owld) in avewil pawk nevadu

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