There are examples of "revolving barrel" firearms made before 1500 AD.
Samuel Colt invented the first revolver. I'm not sure if it was a six shot but he invented the first revolver.
patrice revolver
Samuel Colt invented the revolver in 1836
black power or cartridge rounds? Colt made the first "practical" revolver, so this was the first commercially successful cartridge revolver. I can't say about black powder... but you should read this: <><><> The first Colt revolvers were black powder handguns. The self contained cartridge was invented later.
It was Samuel Colt. Also, it was made in1836.
The first American gun that was invented, was the Colt firearm in 1836. It was invented by Samuel Colt (1814-1862) of Utah. This was a revolver, the first rifle was in 1879 by John Moses Browning.
I do not know his first name who invented revolver? That was Cobalt
Robert Adams (UK) patented a double action only revolver in 1851, i belive this is the first but am not an expert so someone cuold prove me wrong.
Samuel Colt invented it in 1836
Never!, Samuel Colt did not ivent the first gun. He improved it and popularized the revolver.
The Webley Revolver was the standard issue service pistol for men fighting in the United Kingdom's armed forces and was first established in 1887. It was standard until 1963.
No, the first handguns were single shot pistols. A pistol with a revolving barrel was not invented until a couple of hundred years later.