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King Herod the Great was hated by the majority of Jews, not only because he was imposed on Judea by conquest, but was also a despised Idumean.

He sought to ingratiate himself with the Jews by worshipping their God while in Jerusalem, but ingratiated himself with the Romans by worshipping the pagan gods while in Caesaria. He rebuilt the Jerusalem temple, which did please many of the Jews.

In later years, the Jews sought to claim Herod as one of their own, because he had built the important coastal city of Caesaria. Although the majority of the Caesarian population was pagan, the Jews hoped that if the Roman emperor agreed to their claim on the city, based on Herod being acknowledged as a Jew, the city could be taken over as a Jewish city.


Herod refurbished the Holy Temple at the advice of the Jewish sages (Talmud, Bava Batra 4a), but he also killed many Jewish people (ibid 3b).

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One reason was that Herod the Great was not a Jew. His father was an Idumaean (an Edomite), and his mother was an Arab. Also, Herod's excessive brutality was condemned by the religious leaders. Add to this, that Herod was a supporter, and had the backing, of the Romans.

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How did the nuremberg laws of 1935 classify people in germany as jewish by what standard did the government judge if a person was jewish?

The Nuremberg laws determined whether a person was Jewish primarily based on the number of Jewish great-grandparents.

Which of the three mughal rulers tolerated all religions?

Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir,Shah Jahan mughal emperors who tolerated all religions. Akbar is also known as the tolerant ruler. He never forced anyone in his kingdom to change his religion. He even removed Jazia (tax paid by the hindus for pilgrimage centres).

How did the Nazis associate Jewish people with communism and capitalism?

The Nazi's didn't really associate them with communism and capitilism. It was my understanding that the Germans didn't like the Jewish people because when the world including Germany suffered from the great depression, the Jewish people were able to stay well- off because they owned their own little stores. So the Germans were angry with them and thought that they were the reason every thing was bad with their economy. On the night of broken glass the Germans went to Jewish shops and destroyed them.

Did Hitler have Jewish blood?

No. It is an unsupported claim. Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father. Alois' mother (Hitler's great- grandmother) worked in the home of a wealthy Jew at the time she got knocked up, which is where the rumor started. There is no scientific or genealogical proof that Hitler was of Jewish descent.

How did the great depresion change peoples life?

The Great Depression had a huge impact on millions of people. It changed their lives by teaching frugality, patience, and learning to give to others.

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