

Best Answer

Here are a few reasons.

-The community is bad.

-Famous players are selfish.

-New players join the game and become spammers or hackers.

-On some draw games players draw inappropriate pictures.

-Roblox is supposed to be a kids game, why are the players cursing and online dating?

-About 3% of the community are against hackers and spammers, but it never tends to work no matter how hard they try.

-Players criticize other players games, hard work, and look.

-Merely all the players (Like reason number 2) call themselves "cool" "awesome" "epic".

-About 90% of the community has bad grammar.

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Why did hitler hate the austrians?

Hitler was evil and hated EVERYONE.

Did you hate black people?

No it is not ok to hate blacks, they didn't do anything to you so why should you hate it? imagine if you were black and everyone hated you and you had no friends?! so no it is not okay!

Why does the KKK hate the Jews?

Because the klan hates everyone not like them. Klu Klux Klan <-------

Why do some Jews hate other Jews?

Answer 1Jews are not supposed to hate anyone, but there are some Jews that only tolerate people like themselves.Answer 2There are also ...-- Conservative Jews who hate Orthodox Jews-- Reform Jews who hate Conservative Jews-- Muslims who hate all Jews-- Christians who hate all Muslims and Jews-- Catholics who hate all Protestants-- Muslims who hate all Baha'i-- Atheists who hate all believers-- Women who hate men-- Republicans who hate Democrats-- Turks who hate Greeks-- French who hate Germans-- Creationists who hate all Evolutionists-- Little kids who hate teachers-- Black people who hate whites-- White people who hate blacks-- Texans who hate Hispanics-- Drivers who hate bicycle riders-- Southerners who hate northernersand last but not least-- Methodists who hate Baptists.A lot more for inquiring minds to wonder at than simply Jews.And now that I look back on the question one more time as it fades into the sunset ...Where does the first contributor get his essential thesis: "Jews are not supposed to hate anyone." ? What does this mean ? That everyone else gets a pass for their hatred but Jews alone must answer for theirs ? Does that mean that the one who said "Love one another as I have loved you" was only speaking from his Jewish roots, but once he made the jump, he was free to leave all that behind and to enjoy hatred without guilt ?

Who are all of Americas enemies?

everyone but England and Israel pretty much. France is considered an ally but in doing that they're really an enemy because we have to drag around their dead weight. lol i hate France. but then there are neutral countries too, so not completely everyone.